We'd like to reassure our customers that we are following the guidelines in the production & handling of our products to reduce the chances of, and/or avoid any COVID-19 contamination. How?
- Everyone in our small team wears a face mask & uses sanitiser when fabrics are handled, printed, sewn & packed. All sewing is done by team members from their homes.
- Each Fabric Face Mask is separately packed into a sealed bag with a Desiccant Bag (to absorb moisture) & the outside of the plastic bag is wiped with Disinfectant (Pine O'Clean - kills 99.9% of germs).
- While fulfilling orders, hands are sanitised after each Face Mask bag has been wiped & before placing them in Australia Postage Packs.
- Each item of clothing is sealed in a plastic bag.
- All our items are stored in Hampton, Australia, in large sealed storage tubs.
- All jewellery components have been sanitised.
- Each piece of jewellery is cleaned & stored in plastic bags purchased prior to COVID-19.
- Your goods are posted by the owner of BBboho who wears a mask in the local Australia Post outlet & hand sanitiser.
- Packed goods are placed directly into Postage Packs & do not sit on surfaces in the Post Office.
- We use our own pen to write address details, NOT the Australia Post biros.
- Hand sanitiser is used Before & After packing goods.
- Australia Post has it's own Statements on COVID-19 impacts.
We recommend that you wash your hands after handling postage packs & throw postage bags straight into the bin once you have removed our goods. For additional caution you can also pre-wash your Fabric Face Masks in hot soapy water prior to use (suggestion only).
If you have any concerns regarding our COVID-19 handling procedures please get in touch via email info@brightonbeachboho.com.